Lot has happened.
(too old to reply)
2005-07-05 04:07:24 UTC
It's murder living here, well, almost (again), don't know if anyone recalls
but a young girl was murdered across the street from us just before the new
year bells a couple of years back, well, in exactly the same spot last week
a bloke was knifed several times, police cordoned off the area and were
there till around 2 to 3 in the morning, photographer/s spent several hours
photographing from all angles, looked like it was another murder
investigation, fortunately, from what I've heard so far, the bloke survived.

This is the same spot from which the little anuses (anii?) have been
chucking bricks at the car/s etc, favourite bevvy and snogging area, the
real shame of this location is that there's a really nice elderly lady lives
on the ground floor there who is partially invalided and needs sticks to get
around, if wee see her arrive, Mrs, myself or our kids will go across and
help her with her shopping etc, they've even tried to nick /her/ wee old car
... I hope they all get what they deserve from life and are incapable of
reproduction :0(

Having said all of the above, things have been much better lately, stabbing
incident aside, think the better weather has been leading them further
afield for their drinking/mating/macho displays, some other poor beggers
have the problem for the moment.

2005-07-05 04:59:52 UTC
Post by (oTTo)
It's murder living here, well, almost (again), don't know if anyone
recalls but a young girl was murdered across the street from us just
before the new year bells a couple of years back, well, in exactly the
same spot last week a bloke was knifed several times, police cordoned off
the area and were there till around 2 to 3 in the morning, photographer/s
spent several hours photographing from all angles, looked like it was
another murder investigation, fortunately, from what I've heard so far,
the bloke survived.
This is the same spot from which the little anuses (anii?) have been
chucking bricks at the car/s etc, favourite bevvy and snogging area, the
real shame of this location is that there's a really nice elderly lady
lives on the ground floor there who is partially invalided and needs
sticks to get around, if wee see her arrive, Mrs, myself or our kids will
go across and help her with her shopping etc, they've even tried to nick
/her/ wee old car ... I hope they all get what they deserve from life and
are incapable of reproduction :0(
Having said all of the above, things have been much better lately,
stabbing incident aside, think the better weather has been leading them
further afield for their drinking/mating/macho displays, some other poor
beggers have the problem for the moment.

Never a dull moment where you live. I wouldn't feel safe with that kinda
stuff going on on your doorstep, especiialy with little'uns around.

Have those gits got to your car again since? Bleddy chavs.

2005-07-05 06:23:55 UTC
Post by Blueprint
Post by (oTTo)
Having said all of the above, things have been much better lately,
stabbing incident aside, think the better weather has been leading them
further afield for their drinking/mating/macho displays, some other poor
beggers have the problem for the moment.
Never a dull moment where you live. I wouldn't feel safe with that kinda
stuff going on on your doorstep, especiialy with little'uns around.
Have those gits got to your car again since? Bleddy chavs.
When we moved here we were full of the joys and plans for the place as it
appeared superficially to be so much better than where we were, as to
feeling safe, well, I guess it's a perspective kind of thing, you can't live
your life in fear of what /might/ happen though that is kind of difficult to
maintain when things /do/ happen with an almost clockw*rk regularity but to
do so is giving into your own fears, these days I try to live and enjoy each
day as it comes, if and when there's a problem, deal with it then, it's the
only way to retain/maintain any sort of reality and as I said, perspective

Nope thanks, the car has remained in the previous state, have repairs in
hand, just need to raise the cash, had to shell out for new brakes all
round, rear wheel cylinder, handbrake cable, exhaust tailpipe bloody 65 quid
for the tailpipe alone, and a tyre but it sailed it's MOT a week after that,
problem is, that soaked all the "spare" cash away (what the hell is "spare"
cash) so bodyw*rk put on back burner for a few of weeks, I'll get some
"before and after" piccies of the damage though and stick them up somewhere.

You should see all the "chavmobiles" running around with really ill thought
out and badly done bodyw*rk, don't get me wrong, I did see one which had
been done to professional standards and it /did/ look good but most are
really bad and all seem to be fitted with the compulsory large soup can
sticking out the back, heard one the other day which made me genuinely LOL,
loud as hell and the acceleration could only be described as stunningly
pedestrian, obviously nothing but the bog standard Nova guts under the
bonnet, why some of them even bother defies my ability to understand :0)

(oTTo) shutting up :0)
Mrs Ponder
2005-07-05 09:45:35 UTC
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by (oTTo)
It's murder living here, well, almost (again), don't know if anyone recalls
but a young girl was murdered across the street from us just before the new
year bells a couple of years back, well, in exactly the same spot last week
a bloke was knifed several times, police cordoned off the area and were
there till around 2 to 3 in the morning, photographer/s spent several hours
photographing from all angles, looked like it was another murder
investigation, fortunately, from what I've heard so far, the bloke survived.
This is the same spot from which the little anuses (anii?) have been
chucking bricks at the car/s etc, favourite bevvy and snogging area, the
real shame of this location is that there's a really nice elderly lady lives
on the ground floor there who is partially invalided and needs sticks to get
around, if wee see her arrive, Mrs, myself or our kids will go across and
help her with her shopping etc, they've even tried to nick /her/ wee old car
... I hope they all get what they deserve from life and are incapable of
reproduction :0(
Having said all of the above, things have been much better lately, stabbing
incident aside, think the better weather has been leading them further
afield for their drinking/mating/macho displays, some other poor beggers
have the problem for the moment.
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
2005-07-05 10:04:12 UTC
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
Hells teeth, that bloke wants seeing to, baseball bats and a big squad of
locals might make him change his mind or at least his area if nothing else
In our case we were kind of "pro-active", apart from the local constabulary
being to both main protagonist's doors, we were too, result, things have
quietened down a lot!

Mrs Ponder
2005-07-05 12:17:53 UTC
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by (oTTo)
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
Hells teeth, that bloke wants seeing to, baseball bats and a big squad of
locals might make him change his mind or at least his area if nothing else
In our case we were kind of "pro-active", apart from the local constabulary
being to both main protagonist's doors, we were too, result, things have
quietened down a lot!
Normally our Estate is quiet apart from the kids on quad bikes. This
guy moved in with his girlfriend and now we can't get him off the
estate. Our housing officer has sent out a load of letters to this
girl but she takes no notice.
2005-07-06 22:58:12 UTC
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by (oTTo)
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
<snip my bit>
Post by Mrs Ponder
Normally our Estate is quiet apart from the kids on quad bikes. This
guy moved in with his girlfriend and now we can't get him off the
estate. Our housing officer has sent out a load of letters to this
girl but she takes no notice.
Perhaps he/she's not getting the correct message, possibly dropping hints in
some other format might get things across clearer.
Not that I would advocate intimidation or violence in any way of course but
sounds like a different approach might clarify everyone elses views of their
behaviour :0((
Local council's offices (or police) innundated with an avalanche of
complaints every time he blinks, from all different neighbours, might be
enough to make someone take proper notice, I read that she may be evicted,
can't wait to hear they've moved, at least it gets them off your patch


Mrs Ponder
2005-07-07 06:35:35 UTC
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by (oTTo)
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by (oTTo)
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
<snip my bit>
Post by Mrs Ponder
Normally our Estate is quiet apart from the kids on quad bikes. This
guy moved in with his girlfriend and now we can't get him off the
estate. Our housing officer has sent out a load of letters to this
girl but she takes no notice.
Perhaps he/she's not getting the correct message, possibly dropping hints in
some other format might get things across clearer.
Not that I would advocate intimidation or violence in any way of course but
sounds like a different approach might clarify everyone elses views of their
behaviour :0((
Local council's offices (or police) innundated with an avalanche of
complaints every time he blinks, from all different neighbours, might be
enough to make someone take proper notice, I read that she may be evicted,
can't wait to hear they've moved, at least it gets them off your patch
The housing officer has been taking photos of what has been going on
around her house. There has been complaints of harassment to the
housing officer so they may do something about it.
2005-07-07 07:47:18 UTC
Post by Mrs Ponder
Hiya (oTTo).
Post by Mrs Ponder
Post by (oTTo)
Local council's offices (or police) innundated with an avalanche of
complaints every time he blinks, from all different neighbours, might be
enough to make someone take proper notice, I read that she may be evicted,
can't wait to hear they've moved, at least it gets them off your patch
The housing officer has been taking photos of what has been going on
around her house. There has been complaints of harassment to the
housing officer so they may do something about it.
One can only hope!!!

2005-07-05 18:11:59 UTC
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
I reckon you should all move to Stevenage. We do have our share of
nutters, but it's mainly still relatively unsullied by the maniacs:-)
Mrs Ponder
2005-07-06 14:03:30 UTC
Hiya Nig.
Post by Nig
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The same
bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his wife's
head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of weeks before
that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile phoned and
necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
I reckon you should all move to Stevenage. We do have our share of
nutters, but it's mainly still relatively unsullied by the maniacs:-)
Our Estate used to be like that nice and quiet. I have been told that
his girlfriend may be evicted from her house.
2005-07-13 11:17:49 UTC
Nig said
Post by Nig
Post by Mrs Ponder
Our Estate is having roughly the same problems. Last Friday we had
armed responded police on the estate. The bloke in questioned fired a
gun in his girlfriend's house and somebody phoned the police. They
haven't caught him yet so my kids don't go out until they do. The
same bloke robbed a friend of mine and put a gun to his head and his
wife's head. and then he robbed the bloke's mother. A couple of
weeks before that he robbed a young bloke in a car of his mobile
phoned and necklance and then he chased him with an machette.
I reckon you should all move to Stevenage. We do have our share of
nutters, but it's mainly still relatively unsullied by the maniacs:-)
No place is all sweetness and light, but it makes me grateful this one
isn't that bad.
Post by Nig